Ninja Xtreme


per hour


for 2 hours


for 3 hours


for 4 hours


for 5 hours


for 6 hours


for 7 hours


for 8 hours


for 9 hours


for 10 hours


for 11 hours


for 12 hours


for 13 hours


for 14 hours


for 15 hours


for 16 hours


per day


per additional hour


per additional day


for 2 days


for 3 days


for 4 days


for 5 days


for 1 week


for 2 weeks


for 3 weeks


for 1 month

item unavailable (change date)

Product Information:

Test your skills and agility with Ninja Xtreme Find out is you are an American Ninja. Only a true Ninja will be able to Jump the Obstacles, Go through the rollers, Jump between the tires, Avoid giant ball, Cross the X and Complete the Sideways jumps. Perfect for Graduation night after parties, after prom events and High School or Sr. picnics.   

  • All ages can compete.
  • Only one can race at a time.
  • They will be lined up to give this on a try.

The Rental Time is the time you are planning on using the unit. We set-up and load-up on our time.

This is a Dry unit and should not be used wet.

Circuits needed:


Item Dimensions:

30'W x 22'D x 11Tall

Space Needed:

33'W x 24' D x 12 Tall

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Professional delivery to Clayton, NC, Raleigh, NC and surrounding areas. Please submit a quote or contact us to be sure we service your area.